Tagliatele cu mazare
Ingrediente pentru 2 portii: 100g tagliatele, 100g mazare congelata, 25g mix uscat de rosii, usturoi si busuioc uscate, 4 prafuri sare, 6 felii castravete.
Timp de preparare: 30 min
Cum prepari reteta: fierbi pastele, mazarea si condimentele 20 min, apoi le lasi 5 min sa se raceasca. Scurgi pastele si le asezi pe 2 farfurii medii. Decorezi fiecare farfurie cu 3 felii de castravete. Pofta buna!
Tagliatelle with peas
Ingredients for 2 portions: 100g tagliatelle, 100g frozen peas, 25g dried mix of tomatoes, garlic and basil, 4 salt pinches, 6 cucumber slices.
Preparation time: 30 min
How to prepare the recipe: boil the pasta, the peas and the spices for 20 min. Let the pasta cool for 5 min. Strain the pasta and place it on 2 average plates. Decorate each plate with 3 cucumber slices. Enjoy!