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35 Retete Vegane este un eBook care iti ofera ocazia sa gatesti sanatos si etic: mancare raw, salate, paste, supe, mancaruri calde, retete indiene si dulciuri.


Retetele au fost scrise in ultimii 3-4 ani si cele mai multe sunt prezentate in farfurii si strachini traditionale romanesti pe care le-am cumparat de la artizani.


Sper sa va placa retetele mele si sa va bucurati de preparatele pe care le veti gati. Puteti fi creativi si puteti inlocui anumite ingrediente cu ingredientele voastre preferate sau cu ce aveti in bucatarie. Mi-ar placea sa primesc feedback de la  voi despre retetele mele si chiar sa imi trimiteti poze cu ce ati gatit la


Cartea este scrisa in romana si engleza.


Pofta buna!




35 Vegan Recipes is an eBook that will give you an opportunity to eat healthy and ethically: raw, salads, pasta, soups and warm dishes, special dishes, Indian recipes, sweets.


The recipes that I am sharing in this eBook have been developed over the last 3-4  years. The dishes are mostly presented in Romanian traditional plates and bowls. Romania is my home country and I love our culture, especially things which are handcrafted by artisans. I also want to encourage you to buy from artisans.


I hope you will try my recipes and enjoy them. Please be creative and feel free to replace certain ingredients with what you have in your kitchen or with your favourite ingredients. It would be nice to hear your feedback about my recipes or even send me photos with the food you cooked. You can reach out to me at

The eBook is in English and Romanian.



35 Vegan Recipes - eBook

  • pdf

  • English and Romanian


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