Pizza din naut
Ingrediente pentru 2 portii (4 felii): 250g naut, 4 prafuri sare, 2 prafuri piper, 2 lingurite zahar, 1 ceapa mica, 1 ardei rosu, 4 linguri ulei, putin patrunjel pentru decor.
Timp de preparare: 40 min
Cum prepari reteta: macini nautul intr-un robot de bucatarie vreo 30 sec, oprind robotul cateva secunde dupa fiecare 5 sec, sa nu se incinga. Intr-o tava medie, asezi faina de naut, sare, zahar, piper, ardei rosu tocat marunt, ceapa tocata si sotata 2 min in ulei. Amesteci si adaugi apa cat sa acopere compozitia. Pui tava in cuptorul preincalzit si tii in cuptor 30 min. Lasi pizza sa se raceasca 5 min. Cu o paleta de bucatarie din inox, tai pizza in 4 felii. Asezi feliile de pizza pe farfurii si decorezi farfuriile cu patrunjel. Pofta buna!
Chickpeas pizza
Ingredients for 2 portions (4 slices): 250g chickpeas, 4 pinches salt, 2 tsp sugar, 2 pinches pepper, 1 small onion, 1 red pepper, 4 Tsp oil, a little parsley for decoration.
Preparation time: 40 min
How to prepare the recipe: grind the chickpeas in a kitchen robot for 30 sec, stopping a few seconds after each 5 sec, not to overuse the robot. Chop the onion and saute it in oil for 2 min. Place the chickpeas flour, the salt, the sugar, the pepper, the finely chopped red pepper and the onion in an average tray. Add water just enough to cover the mix. Place the tray in a pre-heated oven and bake the pizza for 30 min. Let the pizza cool for 5 min. Slice the pizza in 4. Place the pizza slices on plates and decorate the plates with parsley. Enjoy!