Paste cu fasole verde si mazare
Ingrediente pentru 2 portii: 100g paste tagliatele, 100g mazare congelata, 100g fasole verde congelata, 2 cepe medii, 6 linguri ulei, 6 prafuri sare, 2 prafuri chimion, 2 prafuri cimbru uscat, 2 linguri mix de rosii uscate cu busuioc si usturoi.
Timp de preparare: 30 min
Cum prepari reteta: asezi ceapa tocata intr-o tigaie din ceramica in care ai pus 6 linguri de ulei si ai adus uleiul la o temperatura ridicata. Adaugi sare si chimion in ulei, amesteci si calesti ceapa 3 min. Adaugi apa, pastele, fasolea verde si mazarea astfel incat apa sa acopere pastele. Adaugi cimbrul si mixul de rosii uscate. Fierbi pentru 25 min, apoi amesteci usor si lasi mancarea sa se raceasca 5 min. Asezi pastele in 2 boluri. Pofta buna!
Pasta with green beans and peas
Ingredients for 2 portions: 100g tagliatelle pasta, 100g frozen peas, 100g frozen beans, 2 average onions, 6 Tsp oil, 6 salt pinches, 2 cumin pinches, 2 dried savory pinches, 2 Tsp mix of dried tomatoes, garlic and oregano.
Preparation time: 30 min
How to prepare the recipe: place the chopped onion in a ceramics pan with heated oil. Add salt and cumin, mix and sautee for 3 min. Add water, pasta, beans and peas so that the water covers the pasta. Add the savory and the mix of dried tomatoes, garlic and oregano. Boil for 25 min, stir easily and let the dish cool for 5 min. Serve the pasta in 2 bowls. Enjoy!