Cus-cus cu mar
Ingrediente pentru 2 portii: 50g cus-cus, 1 mar rosu, 8 felii banane, 4 lingurite sirop artar, 4 linguri ulei masline, 4 prafuri scortisoara.
Timp de preparare: 10 min
Cum prepari reteta: fierbi cus-cus-ul in apa 5 min, apoi il scurgi. In paralel feliezi merele in cuburi si le asezi intr-o tigaie cu ulei incins. Presari scortisoara peste cuburile de mere si le lasi pe foc mic 5 min, amestecand din cand in cand. Adaugi cuscus-ul in tigaie si amesteci 30 sec. Lasi cuscus-ul sa se raceasca 2-3 min. Asezi cuscus-ul in 2 boluri medii si decorezi fiecare bol cu 4 felii banane. Toarna 2 lingurite sirop artar peste feliile de banane in fiecare bol. Pofta buna!
Couscous and apple
Ingredients for 2 portions: 50g couscous, 1 red apple, 8 banana slices, 4 tsp maple syrup, 4 Tsp olive oil, 4 cinnamon pinches.
Preparation time: 10 min
How to prepare the recipe: boil the couscous for 5 min then strain it. Slice the apple in cubes and add it in a pan with heated oil. Sprinkle cinnamon over the apple cubes. Keep the apple cubes on fire for 5 min, stirring from time to time. Add the couscous in the pan and stir for 30 sec. Let the couscous cool for 2-3 mins. Place the couscous in 2 medium bowls. Decorate each bowl with 4 slices of banana. In each bowl, pour 2 tsp maple syrup over the banana slices. Enjoy!