Chiftelute cu ardei rosu
Ingrediente pentru 1 portie (4 chiftelute): 2 ardei rosii medii, 1 morcov mediu, 1 ceapa medie, 8 linguri faina naut, 2 prafuri sare, 2 prafuri piper, 2 prafuri turmeric, 2 prafuri chili, 8 linguri ulei, putin patrunjel pentru decor.
Timp de preparare: 15 min
Cum prepari reteta: razi ardeiul si morcovul. Toci ceapa. Intr-o tigaie cu ulei incins, pui ardeiul, ceapa, morcovul si condimentele la sotat pentru 4-5 min, amestecand din cand in cand. Muti legumele prajite din ulei pe o farfurie si le lasi sa se raceasca 5 min. Amesteci legumele sotate cu faina de naut si le dai o forma rotunda, formand 4 chiftelute. Asezi chiftelutele pe o farfurie si decorezi farfuria cu frunze de patrunjel. Pofta buna!
Red pepper ``meatballs``
Ingredients for 1 portion (4 ``meatballls``): 2 average red peppers, 1 average carrot, 1 average onion, 2 pinches salt, 2 pinches pepper, 2 pinches turmeric, 2 pinches chili, 8 Tsp chickpeas flour, 8 Tsp oil, a little parsley for decoration.
Preparation time: 15 min
How to prepare the recipe: grate the red pepper and the carrot. Chop the onion. Place the carrot, the pepper, the onion and the spices in a pan with heated oil. Saute the vegetables for 4-5 min stirring from time to time. Remove the vegetables from the pan and place them on a plate and let them cool for 5 min. Add the chickpeas flour to the vegetables and mix. Shape the mixture in 4 vegan ```meatballs``. Place the vegan ```meatballs`` on a plate and decorate the plate with parsley. Enjoy!