Chiftele cu ardei rosu
Ingrediente pentru 2 porti (6 chiftele): 50g faina, 2 cesti apa, 1 ardei rosu capia, 1 ceapa mare, 1 legatura patrunjel, 4 prafuri sare, 2 prafuri piper, 4 prafuri turmeric, 2 cesti ulei.
Timp de preparare: 10 min
Cum prepari reteta: toci ceapa,ardeiul si patrunjelul. Asezi faina intr-un bol, adaugi ardeiul, ceapa, patrunjelul si condimentele. Torni apa si amesteci pana obtii o compozitie consistenta. Formezi 6 chiftele si le pui intr-o tigaie cu ulei incins. Prajesti chiftelele 2-3 min pe fiecare parte. Indepartezi chiftelele din tigaie si le lasi 5 min sa se raceasca. Asezi chiftelele pe 2 farfurii. Pofta buna!
Red pepper fritters
Ingredients for 2 portions (6 fritters): 50g flour, 2 water cups, 1 pointed red pepper, 1 bunch of parsley, 4 pinches salt, 2 pinches pepper, 4 pinches turmeric, 2 cups oil.
Preparation time: 10 min
How to prepare the recipe: chop the pepper, the onion and the parsley. Place the flour in a bowl and add the pepper, onion, parsley and spices. Add 2 cups water and mix. Form 6 fritters. Place the fritters in a pan with heated oil. Fry the fritters for 2-3 min on each side. Remove the fritters from the fire and let them cool for 5 min. Place the fritters on 2 plates. Enjoy!