Spaghette cu sos de caju
Ingrediente pentru 1 portie: 100g spaghette de porumb, 2 maini caju, 4 prafuri sare, cateva picaturi suc de lamaie, 4 rosii cherry, cateva frunze patrunjel verde.
Timp de preparare: 30 min
Cum prepari reteta: fierbi pastele 20 min pe foc mic. Intre timp pregatesti sosul de caju: pui intr-un robot de bucatarie nucile caju, sarea, suc de lamaie si apa astfel incat dupa mixare sa iasa un sos lichid. Dupa fierbere, lasi pastele sa se raceasca 5 min. Asezi pastele pe o farfurie. Adaugi sosul de caju si presari patrunjel tocat peste paste. Decorezi farfuria cu rosiile cherry feliate in doua. Pofta buna!
Spaghetti with cashew sauce
Ingredients for 1 portion: 100g corn spaghetti, 2 handfuls cashew, 4 salt pinches, a few lemon drops, 4 cherry tomatoes, a few green parsley leaves.
Preparation time: 30 min
How to prepare the recipe: boil the spaghetti for 20 min on a small fire. Meanwhile prepare the cashew sauce: place the cashew nuts, the salt, the lemon drops and water in a kitchen robot so that you obtain a liquid cashew sauce by mixing. After boiling the spaghetti, let them cool for 5 min. Place the spaghetti on a plate. Pour the cashew sauce over the spaghetti, then sprinkle chopped parsley over the spaghetti. Slice the cherry tomatoes in two. Decorate the spaghetti with cherry tomato slices. Enjoy!