Linte pe rondele de porumb
Ingrediente pentru 1 portie (4 rondele): 4 rondele porumb, 2 maini linte (50g), 1 morcov mic, 1 ceapa medie, 2 ridichii rosii, 6 linguri ulei, 4 prafuri sare, 2 prafuri cimbru uscat, cateva frunze de busuioc verde pentru decorare.
Timp de preparare: 35 min
Cum prepari reteta: toci ceapa si o adaugi intr-o tigaie cu ulei incins. Adaugi sare si cimbru in tigaie si amesteci. Lasi ceapa la calit 3 min amestecand din cand in cand. Adaugi in tigaie lintea si morcovul taiat in felii mici, adaugi apa cat sa acopere ingredientele si amesteci. Lasi lintea pe foc mic 20 min amestecand din cand in cand. Apoi lasi lintea sa se raceasca 5 min. Asezi rondelele de porumb pe o farfurie si asezi 2 linguri de linte peste fiecare rondea. Decorezi rondelele cu frunze verzi de busuioc. Decorezi farfuria cu felii de ridiche. Pofta buna!
Lentils on corn cakes
Ingredients for 1 portion (4 corn cakes): 4 corn cakes, 2 handfuls of lentils (50g), 1 small carrot, 1 average onion, 2 red radishes, 6 Tsp oil, 4 pinches salt, 2 pinches dried savory, a few fresh basil leaves for decoration.
Preparation time: 35 min
How to prepare the recipe: chop the onion and place it in a pan with heated oil. Add salt and savory and mix. Saute the onion for 3 min mixing from time to time. Add the lentils and the sliced carrot in the pan, then add water to cover the ingredients. Keep the lentils on a small fire for 20 min mixing from time to time. Then let the lentils cool for 5 min. Place the corn cakes on a plate and place 2 Tsp of lentils over each corn cake. Decorate the corn cakes with fresh basil leaves. Decorate the plate with radish slices. Enjoy!