Pasta de caju decorata cu fructe de padure
Ingrediente pentru 2 portii: 70 g caju crud, 2 lingurite nuca de cocos rasa, 2 maini de fructe de padure, 2 frunze verzi de menta.
Timp de preparare: 5 min
Cum prepari reteta: asezi nucile de caju, nuca de cocos intr-un robot de bucatarie. Adaugi apa astfel incat sa depaseasca putin nucile caju. Macini 30 sec, oprindu-te putin dupa fiecare 5 sec sa nu suprasoliciti robotul. Asezi pasta de caju in 2 boluri mici de sticla. Decorezi bolurile cu fructe de padure si cate o frunza de menta. Pofta buna!
Cashew paste decorated with forest fruit
Ingredients for 2 portions: 70g raw cashew, 2 tsp grated coconut, 2 handfuls of forest fruit, 2 fresh mint leaves.
Preparation time: 5 min
How to prepare the recipe: place the cashew nuts and the coconut in a robot. Add water to cover the nuts and go over a little bit. Mix for 30 sec, stopping after each 5 sec not to overuse the robot. Place the cashew paste in 2 small glass bowls. Decorate the bowls with forest fruit and mint leaves. Enjoy!